Thursday, September 27, 2007


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The world's biggest greenhouse gas polluters -- including the United States and China -- sent envoys to the U.S. State Department on Thursday for discussions on climate change and what to do about it.

... The Washington talks are not formal climate negotiations, but rather an airing of views on greenhouse gases, energy security, technology development and commercialization, financing -- and a daylong closed-door session on "process and principles for setting a long-term goal" to cut the human-caused emissions that spur climate change.

Click Here For The Whole Article

This administration has consistently put on a smoke and mirrors act with environmental issues, especially with our responsibility to reduce emissions. Although I understand there was more to the decision, the main public reasoning for not participating in the Kyoto Protocol was foolish, I can almost see the stomping of feet while whining; China's not included, why are weeeeee?? And what about Indiiiiaaa? It's not fair!

I really want to send them to their rooms to think about the way they're acting. And don't come out until you can apologize and respect others. It is very frustrating.

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