Saturday, September 29, 2007

Do Something

Do Something is a fantastic organization challenging young people to change their world for the better. For the month of October, Do Something is holding the Environmental Sustainability Competition, open to all schools in Boston, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island. There is a $1,000 prize for the winners. I knew of them before I had heard about this competition and have always thought it was a good organization, so I am very happy to help spread the word. They really believe in our younger generation, and run a great campaign letting them know that. If you, or someone you know, are in the participating areas please find out more and get involved.

"Each school or club must initiate a project in the month of October to taking action to save energy, reduce waste and getting as many people as involved as you can to make reduce the environmental impact of your school and school population. Each school will report through an online submission form at the end of October the actions they took during the month to save energy, reduce waste and an estimate of how much energy they saved, waste reduced, people involved/impacted." - from Do Something

Even if you do not live in the competition area, it would be worth your time to visit their site. There is quite a bit of information to browse through, as well as a great search feature with a huge range of volunteer opportunities in your area.

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