Thursday, September 27, 2007

Food Chain

Our world economy is generally made up by you personally feeding small to medium businesses, who in turn feed big business, who in turn feed bigger corporations, who in turn feed colossal corporations. Whew. The environmental movements work in the same way, only not always with money do you belong in the chain here. In some instances your time is just as, if not more, valuable. I would like to occasionally spotlight a few of the small to medium organizations, since most are already familiar with the bigger orgs. Edit - I just want to clarify, your monetary contributions are vital to some of these operations. When they are trying to offset the harm those billion dollar colossal corporations are causing, you will be a lifeline. I do not want to diminish the value of financial support. The orgs I will be spotlighting will be a mixture in need.


"About 20 million trees are being cut down EVERY YEAR to produce the books sold in the U.S. alone." "Let’s start with the bottom line: we believe in providing people with easy and affordable ways to take responsibility for their actions and go green. We don’t believe in preaching doom and gloom. It’s not our style. We do believe in taking action and in the power of small changes to make a big impact." - from the Eco-Libris website

According to the site, their three planting partners are all non-profit organizations working in developing countries for the benefit of both the environment and local communities in these countries. Sustainable Harvest International; RIPPLE Africa; The Alliance for International Reforestation

I went to all the sites mentioned here, they were all ecologically sensible and worth going to for me. All are working towards making a positive difference in our lives.


katierad said...

Hey Christina! My name is Katie and I am an intern with Do Something- a non-profit with the mission of getting teens involved in community service. For the month of October we are running an environmental sustainability competition for schools in the NYC and Boston areas. Wanna help us spread the word? The website is and there's a TON of info on the website about the competition and the organization in general. Email Jordyn via the website with any questions! Thanks :) :)

Christina said...

Hi, Katie, nice to "meet" you. I am happy to look at your site and help spread the word. I love seeing teens get involved and take action, I wish you the best in this endeavor!