Monday, September 3, 2007


Welcome to my blog!

I believe educating ourselves and others to be the most important thing we can do to help our environment. If we can learn to be good environmental stewards we can positively change the face of our planet and its outlook. This is a work in progress, my ideas still evolving and my end direction yet to be determined. Please join me for my journey, and feel free to let me know what roads you would like me to explore on the way. My only solid truths right now are that there are many obstacles we face to a healthy environment, and that we must tackle our way of life. Not just one thing but a subtle difference in all things will make a dramatic change.

From the way we consume water (turn it off while you brush your teeth, and did you know water is NOT food for your lawn, drowning it will not make a healthy lawn) to walking our pets (pick up after them, do you really want to swim in that feces after it gets washed into your watershed) to being a responsible oil consumer (plan your trips out) we can make a positive difference with a few responsible changes in our life!

Thank you for being here with me right now, I hope you take something from this site that you can use. Also, if you have something to teach me, please do so!

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